MANY thanks for more support from Islanders!

As Island Cookery III continues to gain acclaim and we watch the sales growing, we would like to “tip our hats” to some specific gestures of support.

Audrey Neri, Quadra’s Ferry Godmother, has agreed to help deliver books to shops in Vancouver. This is a boost to get Island Cookery III to more outlets, and to keep the profits for the Children’s Centre rather than the shipping companies! Thank you, Audrey!

Robin King at Book Bonanza has generously donated back part of the sales income from her shop. The cookbooks have been flying out the door at Book Bonanza. Thank you to Robin for this kind gesture of support!

It is also gratifying to see some new donations in support of the cookbook, including one anonymous donation of $1,000. Thank you to all who have stepped up to contribute!

Our appreciation also goes to Andreas Hagen for technical support (and his other contributions, such as driving the rescue truck to collect the cookbooks in December!). The website and our efficient ordering and invoicing system came about with his expertise. This has made our transition from book production to the marketing and sales phase much easier. Thank you, Andreas!

The cookbook’s success and the support that generates for the Children’s Centre continues to be a community effort. Together, we celebrate the success of Island Cookery III as the orders roll in!


It’s Nettle Season!


Valentine’s Day Recipes